Agricultural projects: more than 20 agricultural project ideas for 2024

Agricultural projects: more than 20 agricultural project ideas for 2024

More than 20 ideas of peasant projects for 2024 , as part of the series of ideas and projects that we present, we will talk today about ideas related to peasant projects or the agricultural sector.

Agricultural projects: more than 20 agricultural project ideas for 2024

Agriculture is recognized as one of the necessary, irreplaceable areas. It also plays an important role in the economies of countries and has its own weight in controlling the food security of peoples and countries.

Agricultural economies (countries supplying agricultural products) have even more weight and control in the international arena. She can even use her power as leverage whenever she wants.

This is not our topic. But we would just like to point out that this area is in demand locally and internationally, so we will talk about agricultural projects.

  • Ideas of peasant projects
  • Growing greens
  • Fruit tree growing projects
  • Fruit
  • Cultivation of grain crops
  • Cultivation of medicinal herbs
  • The Nursery project or the sale of roses
  • Sale of trees and plants
  • Sale of agricultural products
  • Purchase and sale of agricultural products
  • Rent of peasant lands
  • Agricultural Business Partnership
  • Animal husbandry
  • Cattle Breeding Project
  • Poultry farming
  • Bee project (apiary)
  • Dairy project or milk and its derivatives

Ideas of peasant projects

In our explanation, we will not go into unnecessary details or tempt you with the amount of profit or winnings. It will be enough to mention the idea and some important or simple details about it.

And you are obliged to choose an agricultural project suitable for you. Here are some ideas:

Growing greens

Vegetable growing is one of the most important aspects of agriculture, because it is irreplaceable. But what I would like to pay attention to is to choose the kind of vegetables that will bring you a good profit, depending on the season or time in which they exist.

You can choose to grow any kind of vegetable, but as harvest time approaches, you are surprised that the vegetables you own are sold cheaply on the market. And here you will not get good earnings (mostly).

There are several factors that control your profit in this aspect. Among them: early (you are one of the first to plant this species and the first to sell it), demand (whether local or international, if you are going to export).

You need to know the right vegetables and plant them at the right time.

What you will need is land or a developed plot of land or a partnership with someone who owns it.

Fruit tree growing projects

If I compare the costs and profits of growing fruit trees (which I have dealt with), I will find that they bring good returns at low cost.

The varieties and types of these trees vary depending on the type of fruit, almonds, palms, olives.... All you need is a well-equipped land (or an area with good rainfall) and a selection of the appropriate variety that you can see well.


One of the most famous and beloved agricultural products is fruits. Agricultural projects related to fruits (whether fruit trees or importing and buying fruits for sale) are among the best projects in this area. Fruits are an important part of human nutrition. Which is (for me) very necessary.

Cultivation of grain crops

Bread, pastries, bakery products, flour, many sorbets, types of pasta and others. All of them belong to those types for the preparation of which the main ingredient is needed, which is cereals. Which is considered the most important and most in-demand type of food among the peoples of the world.

Among the cereals that can be planted (depending on the region and season) are the following: wheat, barley, corn, rice, soy, oats, ... (cereals can be planted on time, and after harvesting the land can be turned over (in the case of wheat, barley, oats..) And growing other vegetables or something else.

Cultivation of medicinal herbs

Whether for traditional or natural treatments or for the pharmaceutical industry, you can take care of medicinal herbs, grow and sell them.

Nursery project or sale of roses

In the arboretum you can grow plants, shrubs, greenery, roses, flowers, ornamental plants, fruits.. Having reached a certain stage of growth, you can sell it.

Sale of trees and plants

It looks like a nursery project.

Sale of agricultural products

Here you can sell agricultural products in markets or to merchants, either through the Tabith store, or move between markets.

Purchase and sale of agricultural products

For most of the above-mentioned agricultural enterprises, the product is produced. Here you can work as a buyer, where you buy products from farmers and peasant women, and then sell them either directly to yourself or to market traders and make a profit due to the difference between the purchase price and the price at which you sold.

Sometimes a signal takes root that you can buy goods at a certain price, and at the same time their price in the market decreases, which will lead you to losses (if you have no experience). Among the goods that can be bought and sold: vegetables, fruits, livestock, livestock feed…

Rent of peasant land

You may have agricultural land, but you don't use it either because of your laziness or to work in another field. Here you can rent it out to an individual, company or legal entity that will use it, for a monthly or annual amount (you agree to this) that it offers you as rent. This project can be included in the field of leasing.

Partnership in the field of agricultural business

Perhaps you cannot afford such expenses (for example, startup costs), or you do not have land, or you do not have the necessary experience, or ... Here you can collaborate with people to implement a farming project.

You own well-developed land that someone uses in exchange for sharing the profits. You are not the owner of the land, you can be the one who will exploit the land by sharing the profits with its owner.

You can also create a partnership with several trusted people, buy land for work and operation.

Animal husbandry

A project on animal husbandry.

Livestock project

Agriculture is not only about planting, harvesting or reaping, it is called agriculture. On the other hand, there are agricultural projects related to animal husbandry (specific types of animals).

Among the animals that can be bred are rabbits, chickens, cows, goats and others.

Cattle Breeding Project

If there is something affordable in your area, such as regular rains, you can save a good amount of bread all year round. You can engage in cattle breeding. Which a person needs to consume his meat and make other things from his skins and wool.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming is one of the most famous breeding projects in the field of agriculture, which brings good or very good profits depending on how you work, the degree of your development and experience.

In this area, the goal of poultry farming is either fattening or getting eggs. Everyone has their own way of working and approach. 

To learn more about the Broiler project, you can read the article "Requirements and stages of broiler breeding". Or a project to raise laying hens may be aimed at municipal egg production or for other purposes. And you can find out more about which project is right for you.

In addition, improving poultry farming conditions is vital to ensure healthy growth and efficient production. A higher-level study examines the best practices for ensuring proper ventilation and proper lighting in bird cages.

In addition, information on the use of technologies in poultry farming, such as the use of automatic lighting control systems and intelligent feeding technologies, may be included. This helps to increase production productivity and improve the quality of the final product.

It also encourages the integration of the poultry project with the concept of sustainable development with a focus on waste management and resource recycling. This aspect may be of great interest to researchers and those interested in sustainable development.

Bee project (apiary)

For an agricultural project related to bees, he needs bees (to start with), a suitable place (for feeding bees). And experience in this field.

The beekeeping project is a great adventure for beginners who want to explore the world of bees and honey. You should start by creating a good bee family, as it is preferable to hire local bees to ensure adaptation to the environment. 

This project starts with good preparation before the start of the project, as new investors can take advantage of the instructions on how to start a bee project. This includes choosing the best bee colonies suitable for beginners, with an emphasis on species that are easy to care for.

The importance of feeding bees and providing them with optimal conditions for care is to achieve healthy growth and produce high-quality honey. Beginners should understand the basics of beekeeping, including their basic behaviors and needs.

The cost of launching a beekeeping project is not limited only to bee colonies, but also includes the necessary equipment, and it is here that it is necessary to accurately determine the cost of launching a beekeeping project in order to avoid financial surprises.

By leveraging the benefits of the bee project, such as the production of natural honey and improved pollination for local agriculture, newcomers can achieve sustained success. To ensure this success, he emphasizes the importance of taking practical advice and sharing experiences with the beekeeping community, an important step for the success of the project and achieving future goals.

Dairy project or milk and its derivatives

Within this framework, you can breed dairy cows to get milk. Or buy it from a cow breeder (or other “goats, camels..”), or create a small company to collect milk from farmers. Then you can sell it. Or turn it into various types of dairy products, cheeses, butter, cream and others, and then sell it.

Sale of fertilizers, agricultural medicines, seeds

You can create a special store with the provision of seeds (cereals, vegetable seeds..) And the sale of medicines and fertilizers.

Sale of farm tools

You can also save money on a store selling agricultural tools and agricultural supplies, such as pipes, irrigation tools, agricultural implements....

Sale of grain, livestock feed and compound feeds

As another agricultural project, you can take care of providing livestock feed such as grain, feed and others.

Grain Mill Project

If you live in an area where agricultural activity and direct consumption of crops (especially cereals) prevail. Due to the remoteness of the mills or their absence. You can fill the resulting deficit and create a mill project.

Packaging canning or storage projects

Because agricultural products can deteriorate quickly after cleaning and harvesting. Depending on the type of productivity in your region, you can make storage (and even cooling) installations. Or installations for packing, packaging or packaging of these products.

Spawning project

It is based on collecting eggs (especially chickens) and providing conditions for their hatching, as well as taking care of the treatment of chickens (from diseases). After a few days or weeks, you sell chickens either to chicken breeders, or to willing people, or both.

Of course, you will take care not only of dozens of eggs, but also of hundreds. Hatching operations will be performed every day.

Turning the farm into a tourist attraction

As an atypical agricultural project, you can take advantage of the vastness of the land you own, decorate it (with various flowers and trees), organize it and equip it with some amenities such as recreation areas, tents and others. Then put it in front of people so they can relax and enjoy the views. And for a certain small amount.


Fish farming and fishing can enter the agricultural sector. And here we will have other agricultural projects. Such as hunting, upkeep, sale and others.

What influences the success of an idea or an agricultural project

It is impossible to choose a peasant project and work on it without taking care of several things provided by the right project for the right place and time. Among the things that will help you in the success of your idea are the following:

  1. Choosing the right agricultural project for you and the region you are in.
  2. The right time (in case of planting vegetables).
  3. As a beginner, you need experience and information (for example, on medicines and fertilizers, you can talk with experienced sellers).
  4. equipped (in the case of peasant farms connected to the land).
  5. The right tools.
  6. Having a good demand.
  7. The less competition, the better.
  8. Trust and quality of products or work.
  9. In addition to a number of other factors, such as the way you communicate with customers in the case of direct sales.


Above, we have presented you with more than 20 different (sometimes similar) agricultural projects, and you need to choose what is right for you, according to the above factors. The more experience you gain, the more it will contribute to your profit and ease of doing business.


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